If there is one muscle group that identifies you as someone who practices bodybuilding is the arms. When someone asks you to flex a muscle, more than likely the muscle flexed will the the biceps of the arms. Isn't it true?
Thus, for many beginners who are just getting started, getting big arms is a huge priority. Now, keep in mind that symmetry is key and you don't want to have a situation where the only muscular part of your body is your arms. Thus make sure that you place as much emphasis on every single other body part (should go without saying).
With that said, I feel that there are two mistakes that are holding a lot of people from achieving the sort of arm growth that they could get:
Mistake #1: Sloppy Form
To get maximum stimulation on the arms you need to practice picture perfect form. Breaking your exercise form will simply get others muscles involved taking valuable stimulation away from the arms. Remember that they key to lifting weights is to use these as a tool to make the intended muscles work hard and grow as a result. Sloppy form will not only risk a debilitating injury that can take you out of the gym for a long time, but also is robbing you away from your bodybuilding gains.
Mistake #2: Overtraining
Too much of a good thing can be bad. Unless you have incredible genetics, or are a super advanced bodybuilder who knows what his body is capable of handling, 20 set biceps routines will just overtrainyou. For the biceps and the triceps limit the number of sets to 6-12. The biceps is a relatively small muscle used in other movements for bigger muscles like the back and the shoulders. While the triceps is a bigger muscle than the biceps (twice a big actually), remember that it is used for all the pushing movements of your chest and shoulder exercises. Thus, there is no need to perform more than 6-12 sets ether. If performing triceps after a chest workout 6 sets will suffice. If performed any other day you can do as much as 12 sets provided you have a good recovery capability. (Refer to the various bodybuilding splits available here: ).
If you are confused on how to set up your arms routines please take a look at my arms routines page below:
Keeping Your Bodybuilding Training and Diet When Out of Town
Monday June 11, 2012
With a lot of people taking vacation at this time of the year, I have gotten a lot of emails regarding how to keep their bodybuilding program when they are out of town on vacation.
Since I travel a lot, not only for vacation but for business as well, here are some practical recommendations on things that you can do in order to keep your bodybuilding lifestyle going when you are not at home:
Bodybuilding Diet Design Made Simple
Wednesday May 30, 2012
The hardest part for those who are just getting started in bodybuilding as well as many intermediate bodybuilders as well is designing the properbodybuilding diet. There are so many myths and misinformation out there, that designing a bodybuilding diet can prove to be daunting at times.
If you have no idea on how to put one together, you are just in luck because this month, IFBB Hall of Famer and living legend Lee Labrada not only sets the record straight on carbs, proteins and fats, but also shares a very simple method to put your bodybuilding diet together.
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